Desire, sex and masturbation during pregnancy, do you have any questions?
Oh, the miracle of life! Being pregnant and feeling a baby growing inside you is magical, but… what happens to your libido during the 40 weeks or more that this process lasts?
There are women who experience an increase in sexual desire, others who stay the same as before, and others who prefer not to be touched by chance. Whatever your case, we are going to clear up any doubts about desire, sex and masturbation during pregnancy so that you can choose what you feel like most at any given time during this stage of your life. ❤
In this article you will find:

Are sex and masturbation safe during pregnancy?
Let's start by answering the main question: are sex and masturbation during pregnancy safe? The answer in most cases is yes , they are completely safe practices for both the baby and the mother.
Don't think that you can harm your baby by masturbating or having sex, as babies are protected by the uterus and amniotic fluid. In addition, the vagina is completely separated from the space occupied by the baby thanks to the cervix being blocked during pregnancy by a mucous plug that helps prevent infections from entering.
It is clear that the woman's body is very well designed, and the baby has a warm, comfortable and very safe little home.
Does that mean you can't have sex? No, not at all, in fact, it has many advantages.

Benefits of masturbation during pregnancy
During pregnancy, the body becomes a mixture of emotions and sensations. Organs move to make room for the baby, the belly grows, and so do breasts, which are more sensitive. In addition, hormones are constantly changing to adapt to the new situation. Does this mean that you can't have sex? No, not at all. In fact, it has many advantages.
Whether alone or in company, maintaining sexuality is very positive during pregnancy for several reasons. Let's look at some of them:
- Blood levels in the sexual organs increase, so you can feel greater pleasure and reach orgasm more easily.
- Orgasm lowers blood pressure .
- Feeling pleasure lowers stress levels, improving well-being and relaxation.
- This relaxation helps you fall asleep .
- If you decide to have sex as a couple, it can help you find harmony again and discover a new sexuality .
In addition to these reasons, sex and masturbation during pregnancy are very beneficial because they release oxytocin . You have surely heard about this hormone on several occasions because, indeed, it is the one you will need to give birth.
“In addition to these reasons, sex and masturbation during pregnancy are very beneficial because they release oxytocin . You have probably heard about this hormone on several occasions because, in fact, it is the one you will need to give birth.”
Is it advisable to release oxytocin early?
If everything goes as normal during pregnancy, the oxytocin released during sex is not dangerous, in fact, it will do you good.
When you reach orgasm, oxytocin increases the blood levels in your sexual organs and causes contractions in your uterus. But no, although this is one of the most widespread myths about pregnancy, the contractions produced by sex are not going to cause you to give birth . What you will achieve is to exercise your pelvic floor, relieve the discomfort in your pelvis that you may feel due to the blood pressure that builds up in that area and get used to secreting dopamine, a hormone that reduces the sensation of pain.
However, it is important to remember that every woman experiences pregnancy differently, and not only that, but also that the first pregnancy of the same woman can be completely different from the second or third. So, although there are no contraindications for sex or masturbation, you may not feel like it, and that is just as good as feeling like it every day .
"... contractions caused by sex are not going to cause labor."
When should you avoid sexual intercourse during pregnancy?
Although we have already mentioned that in principle it is safe to have sex or masturbate during pregnancy , there are situations in which it may not be a good idea.
Let's see some:
- If you have heavy bleeding or light spotting.
- When there is a risk of abortion.
- If you are at risk of premature birth. If you have placenta previa (placenta previa is located very low in the uterus and can cover all or part of the cervix).
- If your doctor or midwife tells you that it is better not to practice it during this time in your particular case.
Sexuality by trimester: what to expect
We would love to be able to give you a week-by-week guide in which we could tell you exactly what is going to happen with your sexuality, but the reality is that each woman is a world and, as we have seen, even each pregnancy in the same woman can be totally different. . . . . .
Throughout the process you will feel the rise and fall of hormones that will make you more or less interested in masturbation. Added to this are the body changes that can affect your comfort and even the way you perceive your body. There are women who feel beautiful and that makes them want to masturbate and have sex more during pregnancy, and others who find it harder to get used to their new body, so touching it in a sexual way is not part of their daily routine. . . . . one day. Remember: it's all good .
We are going to try to establish a small guide by quarters so that you know more or less what you can expect in each one.
↪︎ First trimester (week 0 to 13)
Early pregnancy is when the strongest hormonal changes occur and this can cause several things:
- You feel tired all day and at night you fall completely asleep on the couch.
- Sensitive breasts . This is a sensation similar to the one you have when you are about to have your period, but in this case, it does not go away in a few days, but rather it lasts practically throughout the first trimester.
- Increased urge to urinate .
- Nausea or feeling uneasy either when eating or when seeing/smelling/thinking about certain foods.
These symptoms can lead to a decrease in your desire to masturbate during pregnancy. In addition, during this trimester, your breasts tend to round out, so you may also feel more beautiful. It's not all bad!
If you want to encourage sex during these weeks, try to do it when you feel well and have energy so you can enjoy it 100%. In any case, sex is not just penetration, so if you don't feel like it, you can try:
- Masturbate alone.
- Masturbating each other.
- Hug each other.
- Give each other a massage.
- Kiss each other.
- Practicing oral sex.
↪︎ Second trimester (week 14 to 26)
The second trimester is when things start to fall into place. The baby bump appears but is not too big yet, so it is easy to manage. All the symptoms of the first trimester, such as nausea or extreme fatigue, also subside.
During this trimester, you may find yourself wanting to masturbate or have sex more often than you did before you became pregnant. This is normal, as your body seeks to experiment with oxytocin and dopamine.
During these weeks you can experiment with new positions that will make you feel more comfortable with your new body.
↪︎ Third trimester (week 27 to the end)
We have reached the last stage of pregnancy and in this stage you may again feel discomfort and decreased sexual desire, as the belly becomes increasingly heavy. Other symptoms that may occur are:
- Light bleeding.
- Dripping on breasts when touched.
- Hip pain.
- Leg cramps.
- Difficulty sleeping.
The so-called “nesting syndrome” can also lead you to be more concerned with having everything ready for the baby’s arrival than with your own sexual satisfaction, so it’s not that you don’t feel like it, it’s that you even forget about that part of your femininity.
The truth is that, if everything goes as it should and your doctor or midwife doesn't tell you otherwise, you can practice both sex with a partner and masturbation during pregnancy just before your baby is born . In fact, there are studies that recommend masturbation during childbirth to manage pain thanks to the release of oxytocin. According to these studies, natural oxytocin facilitates dilation, reduces pain, regulates labor times and even promotes breastfeeding. Of course, although everything seems positive, what has to happen is that you want to try this technique during childbirth.
As we have already seen, there are women who do not feel sexual desire at any time during pregnancy. So if you notice that sex and masturbation take a backseat, don't worry, it's normal.

What happens to desire during pregnancy: myths and truths
Speaking of desire, let's go a little deeper into this topic. Throughout this article we've told you that it's okay if you feel that desire decreases or even disappears during pregnancy. But it's also okay if what you feel is that it increases or remains the same.
Pregnancy can affect your sex life in several ways:
- Your hormones go on a roller coaster ride during those weeks. Some go up, others go down, and with this internal chaos it's not easy to find yourself.
- You may have a high libido. We have already seen that, although your hormones may make you want to have sex more in the second and last trimester, it is a myth that they will make you give birth earlier. So dedicate yourself to enjoying and feeling all the benefits of orgasms for your body without thinking about anything else.
- Being pregnant can make you feel gorgeous. This freedom from thinking about whether your belly is soft or your breasts are too big or too small can help you feel more relaxed about yourself and increase desire.

An opportunity to rediscover another intimacy with your partner
When we talk about pregnancy, we always focus on the woman and the connection with the baby, but we must not forget the relationship as a couple. These months of pregnancy are also a perfect opportunity to discover a new intimacy.
It's always interesting to experiment, but if there's a time to try new positions, it's now, whether to be more comfortable or to promote safety during sex:
- Position yourself on top. This way you won't feel pressure on the ride and you'll be able to control your comfort and pace.
- On your side. This is what you would call “spooning.” Lie on your side with your legs slightly bent and your partner behind you. This position makes it easier for you to rest the weight of your belly and encourages caresses. If possible, lie on your left side to improve blood flow.
If you've read about these positions but they seem out of reach because you've completely lost your libido, you can take some time to find yourself again through the pleasure of a back or leg massage, loving kisses or simply deep hugs. Many women find slow sex to be their best ally because it allows them to reconnect with their sexuality without rushing and enjoying the new reality.
If you feel like masturbating during pregnancy, discover new ways in your body and let your feelings guide you towards what gives you the most pleasure. You can use sex toys, but try to choose those that are easy to clean and always maintain good hygiene. For both this stage and the postpartum period, we recommend several products such as Oral Sex Balm and the Postpartum Sex Kit .
If all goes well, have sex and masturbation during pregnancy at your own pace, always respecting what you feel like doing at any given moment. Enjoy!
Remember, everything is okay.
There are women who feel beautiful and that makes them want to masturbate and have sex more during pregnancy, and others who find it harder to get used to their new body, so touching it in a sexual way is not part of their daily plans. Remember: everything is fine.
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